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Belarus blames West for human rights abuses


MINSK, (Xinhua): Belarusian Foreign Ministry has prepared a human rights report on some western countries that traditionally represent themselves as "developed democracies," according to the ministry's website on Monday.

The report, entitled "Human Rights Violations in Certain Countries in 2012," illustrated by facts those country's failure to comply with international legal obligations, Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei wrote in the introduction.

The report cited human rights abuses in 23 European countries, including Poland, Austria, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Germany, France, Britain, and also the United States and Canada. The report is based on data provided by the Belarusian embassies and media.

The report showed instances of racial discrimination, torture, political reprisals against former officials and journalists, violations of the rights of migrants and refugees, abuses of the freedom of movement, assembly and media, and also violations of the right to citizenship, and of economic and social rights.

It also drew attention to victims that are traditionally given a blind eye by violating states as well as by international organizations operating in the area of human rights, Makei added.

The minister said "interstate relations in the sphere of human rights are based on diktat, pressure and imposition of one's own solely correct views on others, not on equality of the partners that have opted for different development patterns but pursue the same ultimate goal -- citizens' well-being."

Editor: Wang Yuanyuan

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