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London antiterror Chief: Devt of Muslim contacts too slow


LONDON (AP)--The head of police antiterrorist forces in London said in an interview published Thursday that he has been disappointed by the slow development of contacts with the Muslim community.

Andy Hayman, assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, said building ties started from a low baseline. "We have close links with the Muslim community but the next step is getting them to share information," Hayman was quoted as saying in an interview with The Guardian.

"I fully understand how difficult that is, the repercussions of arrests and so on, but that has to be weighed against the mass loss of life that could result from further atrocities."

Hayman added that London was a "prime target" for further attacks.

"I don't want to scaremonger but it has to be said, when you look around the world and at the prominence of London, that the threat is real," he said.

Four bombers killed 52 Underground railway and bus passengers on July 7, and four other men staged a series of failed attacks two weeks later.

Hayman said police were monitoring a number of suspects, but none is believed to be directly related to the July attacks.

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