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Mali: 200 British instructors to train Malian soldiers


BAMAKO, (Xinhua): 200 British instructors are expected in Mali for the training of local soldiers under the auspices of the European Union Training Mission (EUTM), according to British Foreign Secretary William Hague.

The British diplomat, who arrived Monday in Mali on a visit, said his country will help Mali with military training, humanitarian aid and support for sustainable peace and the reinforcement of democracy.

He also vowed to "help in the transportation of both the African and French forces."

"There will be support to the military operations, especially the training of the International Support Mission for Mali (MISMA), " he added.

His Malian counterpart Tieman Hubert Coulibaly said a British Hercule C-17 plane had been made available to MISMA for the transportation of the troops, besides an offer of 3 million euros by Britain.

Editor: Deng Shasha

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